News & Stories

How a century-old cemetery in Hampton connects Jewish community to faith

At the Jewish Cemetery of the Virginia Peninsula, the past, present and future are all intertwined.

“We have to honor our responsibility to make a proper place for the burial of Jewish people, and their spouses, and their children,” said Buddy David, president of the foundation that ove…

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Our Beautiful Tents

Camp Chaverim is in full swing at the UJC with our largest summer to date. The smiling faces and sounds of laughter have been a joy to experience and we are so thankful for all the hard work Naioki and her team have put into crafting an incredible summer experience for our youth.  


UJCVP Responds to Concerns Anne Frank would be banned in Hampton Schools

On April 22, 2023, The Daily Press published an article detailing how Hampton City Schools, in addition to others in Virginia, have created lists of books found to contain “sexually explicit content” as described in Senate Bill 656, which passed the state legislature last year. The list …

Newport News Mayor Proclaims Jewish American Heritage Month



In honor of Jewish American Heritage Month and the active role the Jewish community has played in the city over its more than 125 year history, Newport News Mayor Phillip Jones issued the following proclamation celebrating the occasion:

WHEREAS, Jewish immigrants to America, sin…

Virginia Jewish Communities Statement Regarding Signing of IHRA

Following the signing into law today of HB 1606, which adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, Virginia’s Jewish Communities issued the following joint statement.