Our children almost always grab the spotlight at the Sarfan Center, however today we are placing the spotlight on one of our teachers. Corin Keller, our Tziporim 2-year-olds lead teacher, has been working at the Sarfan Center for three years. This spring, she took on a new role at the preschool: she has become our green thumb community gardener. All summer, Corin has worked hard through the scorching heat to tend to our school garden. Whether it is weeding, watering, or harvesting crops, you can find Corin in our garden each morning.
The school garden has become a new learning space for our children, incorporating curiosity and social responsibility (especially when our preschoolers share their cucumber and tomato harvest with our UJCVP Grand Club seniors).
Our garden is flourishing with flowers, basil, snap peas, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. And can you believe we actually have pumpkins growing for Sukkot?
We will now move onward to winter gardening, complete with spinach and beets. Corin’s commitment to being the school gardener will reap many rewards. Winter, spring, summer and fall, we surely appreciate the hard work and dedication of our Sarfan Gardener. Thank you Corin!